“What good are you actually accomplishing?”

When you read all the testimonies, you will see that the good we are accomplishing is preventing more of God’s precious children from being abused in similar ways. We are also helping donors see the nature of the organization they are funding so they may decide if they want to continue.

Many ex-staff have been seeing biblical counselors for years to recover from the lies, emotional abuse, false doctrine, self-guilt, and shunning they experienced as a result of GFA. In fact some have walked away from the faith and blame the hypocrisy of GFA’s leaders. Many have not been able to return to church for fear of being manipulated and hurt again by new leaders. We hope to spare others from the effects of spiritual abuse.

The end does not justify the means. Pointing to the fruit on the field does not justify abusing the staff or deceiving donors. In Matthew 15, after Jesus accused the Pharisees of worshiping God in vain, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men, His disciples asked him if He knew He had offended them. He told them that every plant not planted by His heavenly Father would be uprooted. The entire religious system of the day was uprooted by Jesus’ teachings and He was not concerned about the fruit of the ministry, but the filth that was coming from the hearts of those who were leading it. Jesus cares about both the end and the means.