“Brother KP has taken steps to address your concerns with multiple meetings, phone calls and offers of arbitration.”

Actually this is false. He has never met with us as a group, even though he promised us he would. When, at the last minute, he delegated it to the board, the board never arranged it. He did offer to meet individually with just JD, but JD desired accountability and a reasonable number of witnesses at the meeting, as it is our whole group who is bringing up these offenses, not just JD. KP agreed to that group meeting with representatives, but he never came through on it.

You can read phone conversation transcripts and email exchanges to get a full understanding of the communications between KP and this group on the Communications History page.

We have no evidence that KP has taken adequate steps to address our concerns. We do know, however, that the leadership has dismissed our concerns and has not admitted publicly to specific wrongdoing on any of the points we addressed. The few times they have apologized for “misunderstandings” or “hurts” are not adequate when we are dealing with specific sins that includes lies to raise money, false teaching, and shunning other believers.