September 30, 2014 – Larry learns that KP did not address staff

Larry tells KP he feels betrayed by KP not saying anything to the staff and KP promises he is devoting himself to the situation full time.

“He says he has meetings planned with the staff for the next three days, starting tomorrow.”

Larry shares:
I just got off the phone with KP. I had texted him this morning saying that Gayle and I were praying for him to have courage today. Then, after hearing that he did not address the staff, I texted him that we felt totally betrayed by him not saying anything to the staff. His response was that he is devoting his full time to this situation, writing out new procedures, meeting with leaders, calling board members, etc. He says he has meetings planned with the staff for the next three days, starting tomorrow. He said it is much bigger than a one-hour meeting with staff. So that is his current plea for time. I will go to bed praying. But I will offer no guidance on what anyone else, individually or corporately, should do.