July 9, 2014 – JD emails a copy of first letter to Board Member Gayle

JD sends Gayle an electronic copy of the letter after hearing Gayle has been out of town.

“I only just now heard you’re out of town for a while, so I thought I’d email you a copy so that you are informed about it.”

GFA Letter
1 message

JD Smith <xxxxxx> Wed, Jul 9, 2014 at 4:41 PM
To: [Gayle]

Hi Gayle,

Three weeks ago, we mailed you a hard copy of this letter, but I only just now heard you’re out of town for a while, so I thought I’d email you a copy so that you are informed about it.

My wife and I were on staff for 6 years, and after finding out how systemic the issues are, we felt compelled to write you as the only hope of bringing restoration to GFA. We pray that God is glorified in this effort, and that His will is done.

Please find the letter, attached.

Please feel free to communicate with me if you have any questions. Unlike what you may be hearing from inside, we are not bitter or trying to destroy the ministry or spreading untruths, and even if we were, it would be pretty hard to gather 37 signatures in support of such an effort from people who worked there and love the ministry. That is about 1/3 of all staff who worked at GFA and left within the past decade, and there are actually about twice as many people in support of this letter than actually signed it; many had various reasons for remaining anonymous.

Please also discuss with your fellow board members to see what they think. You guys are the only ones who can bring real accountability to KP and GFA and please know many people are praying for you.

In Him, 

