July 7, 2014 – John B. contacts Lenny requesting an individual phone call

Hi Lenny,

It was nice to see you at the store the other day. I am glad that it is working out for you to get teaching position that you wanted.

Hey Lenny I am wondering if you would have a few minutes to talk sometime. I got a copy of the letter from JD that you and Tiffany signed, and would like to talk to you about if possible.

We both now that Matt 5 & 18 tell us that if we are offended or if we have offended another that we need to go to that brother in love and discuss t so that there is no division in the Body of Christ. By the fact that you signed the letter you indicate that I/we have offended you and so I feel compelled to reach out to you in love and ask if we can talk about it as brothers.

What I remember from the time GFA was forced to lay you off was just how godly you were in your response. I remember your saying how you felt the Lord was directing it and you and how you had struggled with the support trip and not having been able to raise any support. I remember feeling so badly for you and having you almost try to cheer me up. I was blessed by how you responded. However maybe now you feel differently. If so I would love to sit down with you over a cup of coffee or on the phone and talk about it as brothers.

I would like to invite you to give me a call (XXX) XXX-XXXX. I will be traveling some this week so if I miss your call I will call you back asap. I hope this can work out.

Thanks Lenny.

Blessings, John