Damages of the above sins

Specific examples of this damage include (many names and details can be provided upon request):

    • Multiple couples who have divorced because of a husband faithfully following GFA leadership and neglecting his wife instead of following the Scripture and loving and laying down his life for his wife.
    • Many, many couples who did not divorce, but took years to recover or are still recovering trust due to the husband not having stood up for his wife strongly enough to protect her from these policies and teachings.
    • Multiple men and women spiritually “shipwrecked” who have walked away from God and who directly attribute that to their experience at GFA.
    • Men, women and couples who took years to recover from spiritual abuse and regain a proper perspective on role, calling and authority (google “spiritual abuse”; it has many similarities to what goes on at GFA).
    • Staff who were financially “shipwrecked” after being fired unethically and with no warning. Some were fired after incurring high medical bills, but this certainly doesn’t seem like a reason to fire someone. Others were fired after questioning leadership about how their teaching and practices align with Scripture. Paul commended the Bereans for searching the Scriptures and checking out his teaching against Scripture. But at GFA, this can get you fired.
    • Former and current staff questioning their ability to hear God’s voice, as they’re so conditioned to hear through K.P. and follow unquestioningly.
    • And finally, numerous current staff who are starved for close fellowship and deep study of the Scriptures; who are prohibited from attending Bible studies, classes or regular home fellowships; and whose primary teaching from GFA revolves mostly around “staying in the battle,” or in other words, staying heads-down and devoting all to office work at GFA. In fact some people, while still on staff, have been prohibited from having any house guests or fellowship with other GFA staff after leadership decided that they were not “safe.”