August 20, 2014 – GFA invites Diaspora members to “GFA Family Gathering” November 7-8

GFA invites Diaspora to see new campus and reconnect.

Note: the Family Gathering was postponed by KP on October 10, 2014.

“Coming together like this will be an opportunity to bring cleansing and develop a closer relationship.”

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K.P. Yohannan <> Wed, Aug 20, 2014 at 9:32 AM
To: [multiple email addresses]

Dear [multiple Diaspora individuals],

I am so grateful for the time you spent serving with us and being a part of reaching multiplied millions in Asia who had not previously heard His name!

It is through the hands of all of us who served at GFA at one time or another over the last 35 years that so many lives have been touched, changed and saved. Your service at Gospel for Asia has borne eternal fruit for His glory, and we as a ministry would not be where we are without the investment you made with us.

As a part of us, I wanted to make sure you knew the latest development in our US headquarters. After more than 15 years of prayer, God has miraculously provided us with a tool to reach more precious souls for His glory. We have acquired property about 60 miles from our current location and developed it into a campus to house the ministry. This campus has been miraculously provided for by the Lord, and will help us to save up to $5M per year in operating costs, while allowing us to expand the size of the staff and the School of Discipleship.

You are invited to a GFA Family Gathering weekend November 7-8, 2014 to celebrate His faithfulness. Our time together will begin with a First Friday Prayer Meeting on November 7. On Saturday there will be tours of the campus as well as a pig roast for lunch. We hope that you can come for this time of fellowship and rejoicing in what the Lord has done. We look forward to connecting with you to hear how God is working in your life and how we can continue to pray for you and your family.

In all relationships there will be struggles, misunderstandings, failures, and hurt. Many times we are not even aware that we are hurting others through our words and actions. I often feel grieved when I think about my lack of love and humility in dealing with my brothers and sisters at different times over the years.

Coming together like this will be an opportunity to bring cleansing and develop a closer relationship. I would personally like to talk to you when you’re here. May I ask you to please do all you can to be with us for this special occasion? You are part of our lives and you always will be.

If you can join us, please contact me by email at as soon as you can, so that we can make the necessary arrangements. If you are not able to come for these dates, please know that you are welcome here any time, just let me know when you are planning to visit so I can do my best to also be here.

Thank you very much for your part in serving with GFA and growing His Kingdom. I hope you will be able to come and celebrate the Lord’s faithfulness.

Your brother in Christ,

K. P. Yohannan