“The Diaspora is hurting GFA staff support.”

We recognize that one way or another, there may be fallout for KP and his entire ministry as the truth becomes known. It grieves us to know that you, our friends on staff, are affected as churches stop their support when they see how GFA has been dishonest with them. Please remember that we deeply love each leader, staff member and student, and we stand ready to help as needed.

If a donor drops support because of GFA’s unrighteousness, please don’t blame us. We simply followed through on our moral obligation to reveal how supporters have been misled. If GFA can demonstrate that they are above reproach, then donors can make their own decision to continue.

However, we’ve not yet seen any evidence to refute our claims despite GFA leadership having more than 9 months to produce it for us.

We invite you to read Psalm 15 and evaluate whether we are the ones slandering, or whether leadership is slandering us. This also requires reading and listening to what we have to say—hearing both sides of the story—before making your decision.